Supply presents your store or portfolio in a way that is engaging and easy to navigate.


Vertical Alignment – change whether content aligns to the top or middle of the page.

Page Color – set the color of pages, except for Index and Products.


Full Width Homepage – make the homepage fill up the full width of the window, instead of displaying a thumbnail image.



Header Color – set the background color of the Header.

Logo Size – set the width of the logo in desktop view.

Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Site Title and Site Tagline .

Add a Header Border, and control its thickness and color.

Use Site Title in Mobile Header – use a text title in the mobile (horizontal) header instead of the site logo. Useful for square or tall logos.


Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Primary Navigation and Secondary Navigation.

Nav Link Spacing – change the vertical spacing between links in the navigation.

Nav Active Color – set the font color of an active link in the navigation.


Show Social Icons – display icons that link to Connected Accounts. Can be changed via Settings in the Site Manager.

Social Icon Style – toggle between different icon designs.

Main Content

Control the typeface, font properties, and colors of the Heading Font and Body Font.

Meta Font – set the typeface and font properties of meta text.

Link Color – set the color of links in main content.


Background Color – Choose a background color for product list view.

List Style – Change the design of each product in list view. 

Column Width – Change the width of each column of products in list view.

Gutter – Increase or decrease the space between each product in list view. 

Aspect Ratio – Set a fixed aspect ratio for pictures of each product in list view, or automatically detect aspect ratio for each picture. 

List Font Size – Set the font size of product titles and prices. 

Set Product Title Color and Price Color in list view. Typeface and font properties are controlled with the Heading Font tweak.

Sale Color – Change the color of the "Sale" flag.

Item Single Image Fill – In product item view, if a product only has one image, enlarge the image so it fills the window's height.

Item Image Margin  – Change the space between each image in product item view.



Background Color – Choose a background color for the Index.

List Title Style – Change whether Index titles appear as an overlay on hover, under the picture, or shown over the image at all times.

Column Width – Change the width of each column of items in the Index.

Gutter – Increase or decrease the space between each item in the Index. 

Aspect Ratio – Set a fixed aspect ratio for each thumbnail picture in the Index, or automatically detect aspect ratio for each picture. 

List Font Size – Set the font size of Index titles. 

Item Color – Choose the color of the overlays on top of index thumbnails (if Always Show is selected).

Title Color – Set the font color of Index titles.



Single Image Fill – If the Gallery only has one image, enlarge the image so it fills the window's height.

Image Margin – Change the space between each image in the Gallery.


Post Border – Add a border between each post in list view. 

Hide Author – Show or hide the byline in blog posts.



Event Time Format – toggle between 24 hour or AM/PM for event times.

Event Icons – enable icons on the address and event time display.

Event Thumbnails – show an image thumbnail in list view.

Event Thumbnail Size – control the size (ratio width:height) of the event thumbnail image.

Event Date Label – enable date overlay on top of event thumbnail.

Event Date Label Time – include the time of the event with the date overlay.

Event Excerpts – show optional excerpt text of events on the list view when present.


Event List Date – show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time – show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address – show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links – show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons – show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View – enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View – enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas